Beta is Now Live for Patreons

We have now reached an important milestone in the project. The first chapter of ArcVenture Online – The Romans is now in its beta testing phase. Currently this is only available for Patreons of the project as part of the reward of contributing as a Patreon is that you get to see the goodies before everyone else. The beta test will be running for a couple of months so if you would be interested in beta testing ArcVenture, please contact me at and I’ll let you know when the beta is in open access.


The current beta is only available for PC users but while the testing is going on, I will be working on getting builds ready for Android tablets and Quest2 /PCVR platforms. The Android version is already looking quite functional on our baseline machine but still requires some more optimisation to make sure that we don’t run into memory problems on lower end equipment.