So we are almost ready – just a couple of weeks until Chapter One is made available. We are still testing and tweaking and proofreading the documentation. The game with all its extra resources will go on sale very soon. If you are a Patreon you will already have access to the Beta version of the game and the extra resources. If you are part of our newsletter list you will hear as soon as ArcVenture Online, The Romans Chapter One is available. The whole package will be available from the site and also from the site which champions independent developers of games and new software like ArcVenture.
The downloadable package will contain the game (currently for PC and PCVR) and a Teacher/Parent’s package with notes, maps and extra resources including the Player’s Guide to provide extra information and activities. Watch out for the newsletter announcing the launch of the first chapter and if you know any teachers, parents or young people you would love to learn about the Romans with Arcventure please let them know where to find us![sg_popup id=857]